Ben studied Physics and Philosophy before gaining a PGCE at the University of Oxford. He has 25 years of experience teaching in six schools across two continents. As a result of his experience in educational management he coordinates operations at Oxford and Cambridge Tutors to ensure the highest standards of academic practice.
Ben’s Welcome Interview
Why did you join Oxford and Cambridge Tutors?
I had actually been tutoring for Oxford Tutors for many months. David Gibbon (Director) is a colleague from earlier in our teaching careers. I had studied Physics and Philosophy, he studied Mathematics and when we first met I was Head of Physics and he was Head of Maths. There was a natural synergy!
My last school was also a client of Oxford Tutors. That experience was nothing short of excellent – both in results and in the student/parent experience so I knew it must be a great place! The team supported one student who went on to great success and I could see that Oxford Tutors, “does what it says on the tin.”
Where are you based?
I was previously Deputy Head at an amazing school in the South of England. I loved being a school leader, but ironically wanted to be closer to the teaching itself again. I like to see the continuity of the student experience.
My family and I are now based in Barcelona, Spain. Since Covid we have all been made more aware of how remote learning/teaching can work really well and become both innovative and life changing. I am still physically in Oxford once a month to keep that feeling of being part of a team. My wife and I both work in education so we are a family of educators – she is the Head of Early Years at a school here in Barcelona.
What roles have you been working on lately?
For seven years I was responsible for the academic life of a large selective school which included line managing a team of experts developing our Oxbridge Programme – from Personal Statement advice and Interview practice through to preparing students for the Admissions tests.
I consider myself an expert in Oxbridge Applications and have worked in this area for many years (I worked in this field as many as 20 years ago in Madrid). Now that I’m with Oxford and Cambridge Tutors, I am working to absorb the incredible knowledge possessed by the entire team. I would like to be able to download David’s brain! There is so much in there.
I work in all areas of communication and making sure students and parents are being provided for. I’ve been interviewing the next crop of talented Oxbridge graduates and undergraduates, eager to become our next super-tutors. I have been helping with Mock Interviews Week, and this has been great fun and very rewarding. I am strongly behind Oxford and Cambridge Tutors’ aim to widen access to the UK’s top universities and really enjoyed interviewing a bursary student last year. I know exactly how it feels trying to get into Oxbridge, and also have three children of university age so I have experience helping them too. My daughter is currently in her 3rd Year at Edinburgh University studying English. One son I am assisting through his Year 12 IB process, so I am experiencing all of this on the ground as well as in my job!
As a family we have experience of all areas of education, Nursery to Year 13 and above. I still teach Physics mainly, and Theory of Knowledge which is part of the IB core. More recently I have been teaching some Primary Level here in Barcelona, which has been a fascinating experience.
What do you think of Oxbridge?
My father studied Engineering at Cambridge University, and I think this is where my respect for Oxbridge began. I studied first at Bristol, but then at the University of Oxford for my teaching degree. An Oxbridge education is such a wonderful and unique learning experience – yes the hours are tougher, but it is well worth it in the end.
Oxford and Cambridge are two completely different universities, with their own idiosyncrasies and things to think about when applying. Yes they are similar in some ways, but also very different in others and it is important to be aware of these subtle nuances which you only gain through experience.
Why do you have a passion for education?
Good question! My greatest passion has always been Science – I love teaching practical science and promoting ‘getting out there’ and experimenting for yourself. It is quite a challenge to teach a practical subject online, and I enjoy finding new ways of inspiring my students from the UK to Hong Kong.
I love teaching, and also being part of a large team. I find it stimulating and having that final goal of getting students into Oxbridge is just the icing on the cake! I don’t see myself as just a teacher, but more of an innovator in education itself.
Pictured: “I used to like blowing up bins and building geodesic domes!” Ben Goad